Saturday, November 10, 2012

BizTalk 2013 Beta: Azure Service Bus Integration–Dynamic Sent Ports


I started writing this blog post before the Beta was announced and it was probably a good thing that I did not publish it as I now have something else to discuss.  Microsoft has made an enhancement to the configuration that supports Dynamic Send Ports.  More on this later.

This blog post is really about 3.5 years in the making.  You are probably saying what, how is that possible?  BizTalk 2013, nor the Azure Service Bus(in its current form) did not even exist back then.  This is true but a colleague and myself were already thinking of a cloud based pattern to solve a ‘trading partner’ scenario that we were dealing with.

Business Problem

I work in the Utilities industry within a province in Canada.  We have a ‘deregulated’ market when it comes to Electricity and Natural Gas.  What this means is that the market is more open and it provides other opportunities for companies to participate within it.  This deregulation occurred over 10 years ago and the overall goal was to reduce prices to the end consumer.  (The jury is still out on that).

The market is primarily broken up into 4 segments:

  • Generation – Organizations who generate electricity via coal, gas, wind, solar etc
  • Transmission – High voltage Transmission of energy from Generation plants to Distribution Networks
  • Distribution – Organizations that take High voltage feeds and distribute low end voltage to customer’s homes and businesses.  These Distribution businesses are also responsible for capturing  Customers’ usage and providing this information to retailers.
  • Retailers – Are responsible for billing customers for their usage.  Customers can choose who their retailer is but cannot choose who their Distribution company is as it is broken up by Service territory due to the amount of capital investment required in order to provide infrastructure.


Note: Image is used for illustrative purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the actual number of companies involved.

As you can probably imagine, there is a need for information to be exchanged amongst these parties.  Amongst the Generation, Transmission and Distribution companies, each company must be aware of demand that their customers are requesting so that the Generation company can produce enough energy.  The Transmission and Distribution companies must also be able of supporting that load on their networks.

From a Distribution standpoint, the segment of the industry that I work in, we need to be aware of Customer management/Enrollment, Energizing and De-energizing customers,  Meter reading and providing consumption data to Retailers so they can bill the customers.

A few years ago the industry was looking to replace its Managed File Transfer solution that facilitated the exchange of this information.  Think of an FTP type application that had an Address book with some scheduling type activities.  This tool moved around flat files that were all based upon different transaction types.  The tool at the time suffered from major reliability issues

At the time, the Service Bus just wasn’t what it is today.  Also if you think there is a lot of skepticism  about the cloud today, it was much, much worse 3.5 years ago.  People were not ready for the cloud back then and as an industry we went a different direction, I thought it would be fun to revisit this problem and look at a way that we could solve this problem today using cutting edge tools like the Azure Service Bus and BizTalk Server 2013.

Within the context of this post we are going to focus on a fairly common problem and that is enrolling new customers.  As I previously mentioned, customers can choose their retailer.  Like most businesses retailers are very interested in on-boarding new customers with incentives.  When a customer does choose to move their business to a new retailer, this retailer needs to inform the Distribution provider that the customer has chosen to switch retailers.  The Distribution provider is then responsible for notifying the old retailer that this customer is now longer a customer of theirs and the Distributor is also responsible for confirming with the new retailer that this customer is now theirs.  From here on in, the Distribution company will send this customer’s consumption (Meter Reads) to the new retailer so that they can bill the customer.

This process is defined as a set of transactions known as the Enrollment transactions and is comprised of three messages:

  • SRR – Switch Retailer Request
  • SRN – Switch Retailer Confirmation for new Retailer
  • SRO – Switch Retailer Confirmation for old Retailer


All participants within the market place have their own company identifier.  For this blog post I have created fictitious ids.  Our New Retailer will have an id of 1111, our Old Retailer will have an id of 2222 and our Distribution Company will have an id of 3333.These ids will map to Queues that have been created within the Service Bus.

  1. The New Retailer will send an SRR request to the Distribution Company’s queue called 3333.
  2. The Distribution Company will pull this message, via BizTalk,  off of its queue and communicate with its back end ERP system (not described within this blog post).
  3. BizTalk will then need to send a notification (SRN) back to the new Retailer confirming the enrollment.
  4. BizTalk will also need to send a notification (SRO) to the Old Retailer letting them know that they have lost a customer.



Service Bus Configuration

Within my Azure account I have created a new Namespace called Electricity and created 3 different queues:

  • 1111
  • 2222
  • 3333


.Net Retailer Clients

Similar to some of my other recent posts we are going to use the .Net Brokered Message API from client applications that will interact with BizTalk through the Service Bus.

Within our .Net Solution there are 3 projects:

  • DataContracts -  where we will find our message specifications for the SRR, SRN and SRO message types.
  • Retailer1111 – where we will find our New Retailer  functionality.  This project will Send the SRR and receive the SRN response.
  • Retailer2222 – where we will find our Old Retailer functionality.  This project will Receive the SRO confirmation.



The first class that we want to create represents the Switch Retailer Request (SRR).  Within this message we have properties for SiteID (Customer identifier), New Retailer ID, Old Retailer ID and the Enrollment Date (effective date).

Normally the New Retailer would not necessarily be aware of the Old Retailer ID but since I am leaving the ERP functionality out of the scope of this blog post we will assume that the New Retailer is aware of this information.

namespace DataContracts
    public class SwitchRetailerReqeust
        public string SiteID {get;set;}
        public string NewRetailerID {get;set;}
        public string OldRetailerID { get; set; }
        public DateTime EnrollmentDate { get; set; }


Next we will get into the Switch Retailer Notification (SRN).  This is the message that BizTalk will send to the New Retailer confirming that the customer is now theirs.

namespace DataContracts
    public class SwitchNewRetailerNotification
        public string SiteID { get; set; }
        public string NewRetailerID { get; set; }
        public DateTime EnrollmentDate { get; set; }


Finally, we have the Switch Retailer Notification (SRO) that needs to be sent to the Old Retailer letting them know that this customer is no longer theirs.

namespace DataContracts
    public class SwitchOldRetailerNotification
        public string SiteID { get; set; }
        public string OldRetailerID { get; set; }
        public DateTime EnrollmentDate { get; set; }

Retailer1111 Project

As previously stated, the purpose of this project is to send the SRR transaction to the Distribution company and then receive the corresponding SRN transaction back.

using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
using DataContracts;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;

namespace RetailerNew
    class Retailer1111

            const string SendQueueName = "3333";
            const string ReceiveQueueName = "1111";
            const string ServiceNamespace = "<your_namespace>";
            const  string IssuerName ="owner";
            const string IssuerKey = "<your_key>”;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //                                   Get Credentials
            TokenProvider credentials = TokenProvider.CreateSharedSecretTokenProvider  (Retailer1111.IssuerName, Retailer1111.IssuerKey);
            Uri serviceUri = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", Retailer1111.ServiceNamespace, string.Empty);

            MessagingFactory factory = null;

                //                                   Management Operations
                NamespaceManager namespaceClient = new NamespaceManager(serviceUri, credentials);
                if (namespaceClient == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nUnexpected Error: NamespaceManager is NULL");

                Console.WriteLine("\nChecking to see if Queue '{0}' exists...", Retailer1111.SendQueueName);

                // If Queue doesn't exist, then let's create it
                if (!namespaceClient.QueueExists(Retailer1111.SendQueueName))
                    QueueDescription qd = new QueueDescription(Retailer1111.SendQueueName);


                //                                   Runtime Operations
                factory = MessagingFactory.Create(serviceUri, credentials);

                QueueClient myQueueClient = factory.CreateQueueClient(Retailer1111.SendQueueName);

                //                                   Sending messages to a Queue

                Console.WriteLine("\nSending messages to Queue...");

                //Create a Switch Retailer Request
                SwitchRetailerRequest srr = new SwitchRetailerRequest();
                srr.SiteID = "3333123456789";
                srr.NewRetailerID = "1111";
                srr.OldRetailerID = "2222";
                srr.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

     //Serialize the request so that BizTalk can process it correctly

                BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage(srr, new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SwitchRetailerRequest)));

                //Here we specify which URI we are expecting our response
                message.ReplyTo = serviceUri.AbsoluteUri + Retailer1111.ReceiveQueueName;

                 //                                   Receive messages from Queue

                TokenProvider tokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedSecretTokenProvider(
                    Retailer1111.IssuerName, Retailer1111.IssuerKey);
                Uri uri = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", Retailer1111.ServiceNamespace, string.Empty);
                MessagingFactory messagingFactory = MessagingFactory.Create(uri, tokenProvider);
                QueueClient qc = messagingFactory.CreateQueueClient(Retailer1111.ReceiveQueueName, ReceiveMode.ReceiveAndDelete);
                BrokeredMessage bm;
                while ((bm = qc.Receive(new TimeSpan(hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 30))) != null)
                    var data = bm.GetBody<SwitchNewRetailerNotification>(new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SwitchNewRetailerNotification)));
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Customer with SiteID {0} has now been enrolled as of {1}", data.SiteID, data.EnrollmentDate.ToString() ));

                Console.WriteLine("\nAfter running the entire sample, press ENTER to clean up and exit.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception {0}", e.ToString());
                // Closing factory close all entities created from the factory.
                if(factory != null)




Probably the most interesting/significant line of code in there is where we set the Brokered Message ReplyTo property.  The reason why this code is significant is that BizTalk can use the value of this property to set our URI that our Dynamic Send port is going to use in order to send the response back out.  You will see how this is set in the BizTalk section.

//Here we specify which URI we are expecting our response
message.ReplyTo = serviceUri.AbsoluteUri + Retailer1111.ReceiveQueueName;


Retailer2222 Project

The purpose of this project is to retrieve the SRO notifications that occur when we lose a customer to another retailer.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
using DataContracts;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.IO;

namespace RetailerOld
    class Retailer2222

        const string ReceiveQueueName = "2222";
        const string ServiceNamespace = "<your_namespace>";
        const  string IssuerName ="owner";
        const string IssuerKey = "<your_key>";

        static void Main(string[] args)


                //Create instance of tokenProvider using our credentials
                TokenProvider tokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedSecretTokenProvider(
                    Retailer2222.IssuerName, Retailer2222.IssuerKey);
                Uri uri = ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri("sb", Retailer2222.ServiceNamespace, string.Empty);
                MessagingFactory messagingFactory = MessagingFactory.Create(uri, tokenProvider);
                QueueClient qc = messagingFactory.CreateQueueClient(Retailer2222.ReceiveQueueName, ReceiveMode.ReceiveAndDelete);
                BrokeredMessage bm;

                //                                   Receive messages from Queue

                Console.WriteLine("About to connect to the Queue");
                while ((bm = qc.Receive(new TimeSpan(hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 30))) != null)
                    var data = bm.GetBody<SwitchOldRetailerNotification>(new DataContractSerializer(typeof(SwitchOldRetailerNotification)));
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Customer with SiteID {0} is no longer our customr as of {1}", data.SiteID, data.EnrollmentDate.ToString() ));

                Console.WriteLine("\nAfter running the entire sample, press ENTER to clean up and exit.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception {0}", e.ToString());


BizTalk Project

Within this solution I am going to demonstrate what is required to send messages to Service Bus Queues using a dynamic send port.  I am going to use two slightly different approaches so keep your eyes open for that.


I have created 3 schemas to match those classes that were included in our DataContracts project.  In order to create these schemas, I did use the Auto Generate Schemas feature that is included in Visual Studio (when you have BizTalk installed of course).  I discussed this approach in a previous post if you are interested in more details.



I have two very simple maps, the first one will transform an instance of our SRR message to an instance of our SRN message.


The second map will transform an instance of our SRR message to an instance of our SRO message.



Here is where most of the “magic” happens.  We have a receive shape where we will receive an instance of our SRR message.  We will then transform it and set some context properties, within a Message Assignment shape, so that we can use a Dynamic Send Port.  What is special about this Message Assignment shape is that we are going to use a Brokered Message property called ReplyTo as our URI.  So this is a pretty need “out of the box” feature that allows a client to dictate where we need to send a response message.

Even thought this ReplyTo property is beneficial, it only gets us part way.  We will need to provide a transport type and indicate that it is the new SB-Messaging adapter.  We also need to provide our Service Bus credentials and the URI to the Access Control Service.  It, of course, is a good idea to maintain these values in some sort of configuration store as opposed to hardcoding within our Orchestration.


Once we have sent out our SRN message back to the Service Bus Queue, we now need to process the SRO message.  We will once again leverage a map to instantiate this message in the absence of an ERP system were this message would ordinarily be created.  We will once again take advantage of Dynamic Send Ports but in this case we do not have the ReplyTo brokered message property because this retailer never sent us the message.  We will need to provide the base uri for the Service Bus but we can augment this by distinguishing the OldRetailerID node that is part of the SRO schema.  This will allow the solution to work for any retailer that needs to receive an SRO.

Much like the previous scenario we will need to specify a TransportType, our credentials and our Access Control Service URI.


When we are done putting these building blocks together we should have something that resembles the following.  We can now deploy our BizTalk application.


Receive Location

We will configure our Receive Location much like we did in my previous posts that discuss BizTalk integration with the Service Bus.



Send Ports 

As outlined in the Orchestration section of this post, we have two different Send Ports.  Part of the reason why I have included two is to demonstrate the following NEW features that has been included in the BizTalk 2013 Beta.  In previous BizTalk versions, if you used a Dynamic Send Port then it would automatically use the Adapter’s Default Send Handler to send out the message.  This isn’t ideal, especially in a shared environment where there can be many different groups or applications using this same Send Handler(Host).

Going forward we now have a Configure button that we can click within a Dynamic Send Port’s configuration.  When we do this a Configure Send Handler dialogue will appear that allows us to set different Send Handlers depending upon the Adapter.


Even within our own Application we can set a different Send Handler if you have more than 1 Dynamic Send Port.  For our second Dynamic Send Port I have specified BizTalkServerApplication as the Send Handler for this Dynamic Send Port.

There is probably not a really good reason to do this but the point I am trying to make is that we have gone from being very restricted to having a lot of flexibility.



We are now ready to test our application.  The steps that we need to take in order to do so are:

  • Run an instance of our Retailer1111 client.  This application will send the SRR to the Service Bus Queue where BizTalk will retrieve it.
  • BizTalk in turn will look for the ReplyTo property and send an SRN message back to the ServiceBus but this time to the the Retailer’s 1111 queue.
  • Next, BizTalk will generate an SRO message and send it to the old Retailer’s 2222 queue.



The point of this blog post was to take a real world problem and discuss how the combination of Azure Service Bus Queues and BizTalk 2013 can help us solve it.  Of course I had to over-simplify things to make this blog post some-what reasonable in length.  This also is not the only approach that we can take in order to solve this problem.  Using Azure Service Bus Topics is another option as well but I thought it was important to demonstrate how we can use the SB-Messaging context properties and Dynamic Send Ports.  I also felt it was a great opportunity to highlight the new Send Port Configuration for Dynamic Send Ports.

Monday, November 5, 2012

BizTalk 2010 R2 CTP meet BizTalk 2013 Beta

Microsoft released some exciting news on Monday for people who live and breathe Middleware.  They have released BizTalk 2010 R2 CTP’s successor: BizTalk 2013 Beta.  The new name signifies a major release and rightfully so, it does deserve it.

Back in June 2012, I was at TechEd North America where the BizTalk team provided a glimpse into the future of BizTalk.  At that point, I did feel that they were adding enough new functionality to warrant the full release but it was only until today that they officially announced the name change.

What is included in this release?

Many of the features that they did speak to at TechEd have been included in the CTP including:

  • Integration with Cloud Services via SB-Messaging Adapter
  • Support for RESTful Services (both Send and Receive)
  • Platform Support (Windows Server 2012, Visual Studio 2012 and SQL Server 2012)
  • Azure BizTalk VMs (IaaS)

The BizTalk team has now added some more features within the Beta including:

  • Enhanced SharePoint Adapter (No longer do we need to install an agent(web service) on the SharePoint Server)
  • Secure FTP (SFTP) Adapter
  • ESB Toolkit Integration
  • Dependency Tracking (The dependencies between artifacts can now be viewed and navigated in Admin console)
  • Improvements to Dynamic Send Ports (ability to set host handler per adapter, instead of always using the default send handler of the adapters)

After I discovered the Microsoft post I sent it off to my team and a lively discussion was held.   There was a bit of a debate over which of the feature we can benefit from the most.  The interesting thing is that we can benefit from each of these new features. 

SharePoint Adapter

We do a lot of work with SharePoint and in addition to running a multi-node BizTalk farm we also have a multi-node SharePoint farm.  The BizTalk team does not like installing the Adapter Web Service on the SharePoint Web Front ends so you can imagine that the SharePoint team isn’t a big fan of it either.  To make things worse, try to perform an upgrade from BizTalk 2009 to BizTalk 2010 and ask a SharePoint person to come in on the weekend to assist with the install.  Not going to make many friends that way.

Secure FTP (SFTP) Adapter

It is great to see a native SFTP adapter being included “in the box”. Back in BizTalk 2009, Microsoft provided an FTPS adapter but that protocol is not nearly as pervasive as SFTP, in my opinion anyways. As you may have seen on my blog previously, I do have several posts about a 3rd party SFTP adapter.  The adapter has been a pretty good adapter for us.  Yes there have been a few bugs, but the vendor has always provided top notch support.  However, it is a pain to deal with another vendor, pay another invoice and get license keys. 

ESB Toolkit Integration

We don’t do much with ESB itineraries but we do heavily leverage the Exception Management Portal that is included in the toolkit.  We have made some small modifications, to the exception portal,  and many of our Business Units rely upon it for Business level exceptions that occur within the Middleware or other systems like SAP.  There are many opportunities for improvement and the installation is certainly one of them.  So even though the description on the Microsoft link is rather vague, I am really hoping for a seamless experience this time around.

Dependency Tracking

We have a fairly large BizTalk environment.  It is something that we have been building upon for the last 7 years.  I can confidently say that our Business runs on top of BizTalk.  If BizTalk doesn’t function, there are widespread impacts to our employees and customers.  A Vice President was asking me about BizTalk and he was purely amazed that it supported so many Business processes within the company.  With that said, we try to leverage common components and leverage previous investments.  Overtime this can be difficult to manage so this feature is definitely welcomed.

Improvements to Dynamic Send Ports

We do have a few different scenarios where we need to determine the route that a message will take at run-time and has been a bit of a pain that these messages will always be processed by the default send handler for that Adapter.  It will be nice to have some more granularity.

RESTful Services

Looking back there have been a few different integration scenarios where could have benefited by a ‘lighter weight’ service construct.  I don’t expect this to be our de facto standard when exposing services but I do recognize the benefit in having a more flexible option than SOAP.

Integrations with Cloud Services via SB-Messaging Adapter

If you have been following my blog recently, I have quite a few posts (Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4 and Post 5)  on the new SB-Messaging Adapter which allows us to connect Service Bus Queues and Topics.  I actually have a blog post currently in the works with the CTP version but I will now save it and implement it with the new Beta. So far I have been very impressed with this new capability.  It is very easy to get this to work.  It will be this adapter that allows for many(but not all) hybrid integration scenarios with on-premise Line of Business (LOB) systems.  I fully expect BizTalk PaaS to participate in LOB integration scenarios but for those customers who have heavily invested in BizTalk, leveraging the SB-Messaging adapter has many benefits.

Azure VM BizTalk IaaS

I haven’t actually had a chance to try this out.  We do a lot of On-Premise integration so it just hasn’t been a big of a priority for me. I do recognize the value for some people though.  It creates a much lower barrier of entry for some organizations and allows them to get their “feet wet” with BizTalk before investing more significant capital in a larger environment.

Host Integration Services 2013 Beta

In addition to all of these BizTalk features a Beta of Host Integration Services (HIS) has also been released.  This version includes the following updates:
• Data Integration – Several key updates in integration with DB2.
• Application Integration – Updates to Transaction Integrator designer, tools and accounting.
• Network Integration – Direct connectivity from Server/Client to IBM mainframe systems using fully managed TN3270E runtime.
• Message Integration – WCF Channel Support for WebSphere MQ v7.5 and v7.1.
• Platform Support – Introducing the support for Window Server 2012, Visual Studio 2012, SQL Server 2012, BizTalk 2013 and IBM Systems.


From what I have seen with the BizTalk 2010 R2 CTP, the BizTalk team has been working very hard on this next release of BizTalk.  I think they are already demonstrating that the end product will be very solid as they have put together two compelling “pre-releases” of BizTalk.   I really encourage you to download the new bits and take the new BizTalk for a spin.  There are a lot of great features included.